lemon DROP
get the latest perspectives on engagement, productivity, and sustainable growth

The Great Work-from-Home Debate
Unpacking the Psychological, Social, Environmental, Situational, and Physical Reasons Behind Employee Preferences

The Courage to Innovate: Leadership, Vulnerability, and the Art of Experimentation And Risk Taking
Companies that embrace a culture of experimentation can achieve up to 27% higher revenue growth, 40% higher customer retention, and 59% higher employee engagement.

Embracing Simplicity: Elevating connections through clear communication
Creating a shared language for global business conversations doesn’t have to be complicated – explore the power of simplicity!

An Interesting Twist for Unlimited Time-Off vs Productivity
Unlimited time off might not just be a mere perk, but a profound recognition of an individual’s right to recharge. #benefits

Innovating through Diversity – what are your hobbies?
There is no denying that everyone has their specialties and areas of comfort, but this is also the reason why every car has the same

Prototyping is Key – do you encourage failure?
Prototyping key step to success with endoStrategy™: Test with real users & experiment to quickly see what works & fails. ‘Fail often’ to succeed sooner.

GitLab article (Fast Company) about remote workplace innovation
GitLab is taking advantage of what remote can offer. Have we taken the time, slowed down, and thought about the opportunities ‘Remote’ work affords us?

Find Clarity, Find Purpose – What are your opportunities?
The question for any change or transformation, in the moment of chaos and confusion, is “what is the thing that I want to preserve?”- what

Reframe Problems into Opportunities
Reframing a problem – the act of taking a problem statement and thinking about it in a new way – can often help move toward

Diversity is all things – enrichen your team
What also makes our work a little more complicated is this diversity of thought. It’s based on the places we have already lived, and where

Culture is built in stressful moments
What you do in stressful times speaks volumes about who you are as a business, who you aspire to be, and how you will treat

Opportunity to Reality – where the rubber hits the road
Opportunities are great. They are the possibilities that exist in your work, in life. But if you find opportunities and don’t use them, they are

Does Culture Eat Strategy for Breakfast?
The Culture of an Organization is the sum of their people’s values, behaviors and beliefs. Regardless of how good your strategy is, it’s your Culture

Long term thinking during Covid
When times get stressful, specifically with unprecedented new challenges like with the current Covid 19 situation, it’s easy and totally understandable for an organization to

Planny McPlanner and The Brainstorm Session
How often are you focused on tomorrow, instead of today? Or trying to do 4 things at once?
Do you spend your time thinking

Bringing Empathy Back to School
Many colleges and universities are starting back up next week… Doesn’t it feel like it’s been years since we’ve been in school? Showing your empathy

Problem Solving: Reframing Problems into Opportunities
“My life has been filled with terrible misfortunes, most of which have never happened” Mark Twain

Siemens is leading the way with empathy and emotional intelligence
with CEO Roland Bush’s announcement about the company’s new remote work policy.
1. Focus on outcomes rather than time spent in office

Remember your humanity and forget the rest.
Our employees, colleagues and co-workers have additional burdens and anxieties added to their daily stresses, and they can’t leave them at the door anymore.

Design Thinking Challenges & The Detroit Startup Week
The Grumpy Lemon team was excited to attend and help moderate the Detroit Startup Week Conference

Test It With The Community
“If you have an idea, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, test it with the community, because if it has traction, you can achieve the

Better Outcomes Through Diversity
We believe that diverse ideas enable bigger and better outcomes. Diverse perspectives lead to unique solutions.

(re)Evaluate Your Capabilities
Evaluating capabilities is the recognition and the feedback of the strengths and the weaknesses, the achievements and the areas of improvement, the goals and the

(re)Connect With Your Values & Empathy
Values and empathy are the foundation and the expression of the human connection in the workplace. They are the alignment and the resonance of the

(re)Design Your Leadership & Roles
Effective leaders and clear roles are the harmony and the balance of the whole and the part, the vision and the action, the being and

(re)Frame Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
Focusing on diversity, inclusion, and equity is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do for any business that

(re)Build Your Roadmaps
Focus on problems you’re solving, outcomes you’re delivering and assumptions you’re testing. Roadmaps can foster flexibility, collaboration and innovation.

(re)Model Your Operation
Implement operating models and integrated systems that unleash the potential of your teams, ensuring that they are aligned, capable, effective, adaptable, efficient and inspired.

(re)Imagine Your Methods, Systems & Devices
MSD is not just a system, it’s a lifestyle. It will help you improve not only your productivity, but also your creativity, motivation, satisfaction and

(re)Structure Your Metrics
Measure your progress toward achieving your strategic goals, identify your strengths, evaluate your performance, improve your efficiency and effectiveness, and motivate your team though intentional